off the digital anvil: a bare-bones web-app adapation of the folk-rnn command line tool, the first step in making it a tool anyone can use. happily, folk-rnn is written in python – good in and of itself as far as i’m concerned – which makes using the django web framework a no-brainer.
- created a managed ubuntu virtual machine.
- wrangled clashing folk-rnn dependencies.
- refactored the folk-rnn code to expose the tune generation functionality through an API.
- packaged folk-rnn for deployment.
- created a basic django webapp:
- UI to allow user to change the rnn parameters and hit go.
- UI to show a generated tune in staff notation.
- URL scheme that can show previously generated tunes.
- folk-rnn-task process that polls the database (python2, as per folk-rnn).
- unit tests.
- functional test with headless chrome test rig.