

long term, volta will need a web platform, for example artists might have pages listing performances, or there be some kind of content marketplace. and that web platform should scale for the mass-market volta is aiming for, and be able to cope with the inherently spiky demand of something based around events or performances.

so i’ve been building that, or rather building the things we need in the short term with a view to that. thinking more akin to a platform than the expedient one-off services volta had made before i joined. i’d landed on sst as the best way to do this, effectively a developer-experience do-over of writing serverless apps on amazon web services.

the work had started on sst zero-point-something, and since sst had launched v1. upgrading to that turned into a near complete re-write, but it was time well spent. javascript → typescript, raw dynamodb calls → electrodb, integration tests… to me, serverless development finally felt coherent and sane.

diary | 14 nov 2022 | tagged: volta