*spark screenrunner runs screens. It allows the stage manager to title who is on stage, it allows creative to adjust the mix of the brand video, it allows communications to feed twitter and other messaging through that video. Most of all, it does all it does within a world of well designed motion graphics unique to the brand or event.
For an Accenture annual event, it visualised the activity of 900 consultant’s conversation in realtime, alongside the progress of each of them taking a portrait of each other and the graphic output of a data journalist and illustrator. Rather than brand video, the screen animated around a ‘tabletop set’ of the venue, with conversation turns appearing in speech bubbles above the yurts they were happening in, conversation outcomes writing themselves on post-its, polaroid snaps piling up and illustrations taped down around. It was the centre point of ‘The Brain’, and…
The Brain made #festivalofideas.
– Eithne Harley, Accenture Ireland
For a MADE-BY annual event, it transformed their three minute brand video into the whole day’s output, remixing the elements of that video with a range of media prepared for the event alongside tweets and photos coming live from the floor. MADE-BY’s staff were in control, setting ‘now and next’ titles and creating a composition of media appropriate for that moment of the event.
I thought the application was very user-friendly and generally just very impressive!
– Johanna Walker, MADE-BY London
*spark screenrunner is two things. An application with features built-up over the demands of differing events, and an animation template created specially for each event. The application feeds the animation template with tweets, titles and all sorts of media, and its interface presents a sane way of wrangling that media and controlling the animated output.
You can read more about its development and use through the project’s diary posts.
To use *spark screenrunner, get in touch.