
Choose Your Own Adventuresque


A hyperlinked slide deck system built with no constraints on look or animation – or, as the work to make its one-off commercial forebear was sold to me: ‘choose your own adventure’. And who doesn’t like that?

Choose Your Own Adventuresque is touchscreen app demo. Replace the placeholder ‘adventure’ in content.js. Adapt the look or functionality as you like, or better still commission me for lots more whizz-bangery.

As released here, each story node is written as below. But it’s all configurable, a matter of building rendering templates using PixiJS that consume the data provided (see app.js).

storyA1: {
    template: 'choice',
    text: 'This is placeholder content to demonstrate the codebase.',
    choices: [
        { text: 'Choose this', to: 'storyA2A', image: 'assets/cyoa001.jpg' },
        { text: 'Or this', to: 'storyA2B', image: 'assets/cyoa003.jpg' },
        { text: 'Perhaps this', to: 'storyA2C', image: 'assets/cyoa006.jpg' },
        { text: 'Or realise the futility...', to: 'storyA2D', image: 'assets/cyoa022.jpg' },

Diary entries

åste at artful spark

to london for the build of CogX where i’m installing a touchscreen app i’ve developed for friends Observatory. but i was going anyway, for this: artful spark: data.

six demos, three speakers and two hours exploring what happens when artists work with data

and in particular, åste amundsen

a pioneer in immersive festival environments and SWCTN Immersion Fellow, brings news from the frontline of how data can augment live interaction between actors and audiences.

she didn’t dissapoint. was happy to see this slide too; i’ve got a drawing or two in that vein =]

choose your own adventuresque

i’ve uploaded the code to choose your own adventuresque. it’s the generic bones of some commercial work, tidied up and with a own-brand look.

that commercial work started out as a fancy keynote deck; between master slides and the magic move transition keynote can do wonders. however introducing video quashed that: pausing on transitions, and so on. nomatter, i took the work knowing i could wrangle a fallback of some custom code.

having cut my teeth writing raw openGL to get acceptable framerates, it still feels both wonderful and weird that javascript and a web browser is a perfectly good rendering engine. thanks to pixy.js i really was able to dash the app off.

plus, with ES2018 and e.g. object spreads, javascript finally feels a language i might choose to use, rather than just have to.

this work also prompted a contribution to PixiJS