…aaaaand, no more test data. we did so much more than can be shown in a still or two here, we even pulled a whole four minute finale piece out of the bag, video edit and all[1]. most of all, we did it, the audience made it… live!
Amazing event. Loving the Brain! #festivalofideas
– Alice Murphy @almurph75
Thanks. We’re having a brilliant day too!
– Accenture Ireland @Accenture_Irl
Over 2000 ideas have flown through ‘the brain’ @ @Accenture_Irl #festivalofideas.
– Andrew Hetherington @a_hetherington
Wow & we’ve still got the afternoon!
– Accenture Ireland @Accenture_Irl
Still buzzing a little after #festivalofideas yesterday. I think the crash will hit hard!
– Carolyn Jones (Cj) @TheWidget
@TheWidget you guys were great. The Brain made #festivalofideas. Hopefully we’ll see you again some where, some time…
– Eithne Harley @EithneHarley
i’m learning: never has under-promise and over-deliver been so clear in my mind! ↩︎