Late at Tate: The AV Social; 4th April
As if a send-off for the vj pilgrimage, the night before leaving for Node08 saw an outstanding vj-related event in London, something surprisingly rare. The ‘AV Social’ took over the ‘Late at Tate’ evening and transformed itself from so-so bar effort to a near seamless extension of a bastion of the British art establishment. Integrated into the architecture of the Tate Britain’s empire-era halls and plethora of artworks were a number of semi-live installations and a dj/vj-esque performance space, all of which felt right in the space and none of which dropped the ball, quite a feat given their acclaimed and classical neighbours. Downstairs in a more utilitarian reception/bar space were the Narrative Lab screenings. While its a shame that the set-up felt somewhat jerry-rigged there, the curation was really impressive resulting in perhaps one of the most important bodies of vj-work I’ve yet seen put together. I have to admit a bias in having been involved with the Narrative Lab project, and having my big live cinema project represented as one of the works, but if phrased as of the collision of vj practice with ideas beyond aesthetics, I’ll stick to my assertion: it really was that good, and we need such things to document the scene, to etch an otherwise impermanent practice in history.
- The Av Social: Late at Tate -
-’s photos -
- Narrative Lab screening -